Help lines and crisis intervention

Mobile Mental Health

Help is available Toll-Free, 24 hours a day by contacting the Mobile Mental Health Team operated by Occupations, Inc. and co-sponsored by the Orange County Department of Mental Health at 1-888-750-2266


Health Association of Orange County provides telephone service 7 days a week for all residents of Orange County. Helpline addresses a variety of personal, emotional or social problems. Calls can be informational or crisis related.

Mental Health Association in Orange County

The Mental Association in Orange County offers a variety of services to the community including information on autism, eating disorders, suicide prevention, sexual assault/rape and counseling services.

Hospice Foundation (bereavement)

Articles and other resources helping kids deal with and understand loss.

Take Care

Information on healthy relationships, warning signs and information about unhealthy relationships.

Kids Health

Information for kids and parents on body health, emotional well-being, eating disorders, nutrition, drugs and alcohol, disease and conditions, staying safe, etc.