Teacher Spotlight: Meet Jackie Mazariegos, Middle School Spanish teacher

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Jackie MazagierosMeet Jackie Mazariegos, who teaches Spanish at Minisink Valley Middle School!

What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

My favorite aspect of the job is that I get to share my culture and language with my students. I am blessed to work with some amazing teachers who inspire me daily and wonderful students who are doing their best in Minisink Valley. It’s never boring! I teach my students that learning a foreign language is learning how to truly communicate and connect with others. I help them see and understand other people’s cultures and customs and expand their view of the world. I get a kick out of the little “a ha moments” that occur in my classroom when the student makes the connection. It makes me so happy.

Why do you believe in and support the work of the Minisink Valley School District and what it does for the community?

I moved to the area because of the Minisink Valley School District. I am raising my family in this community. I am invested in this community and in making sure that your children are successful. I started working at the Minisink Valley School District as a substitute. Then, I worked my way up to becoming a leave replacement teacher. Now, I am a Foreign Language teacher at Minisink Valley. I believe in Minisink Valley and its mission. I also believe that Minisink Valley takes care of its own. I have seen this community step up and support one another time and time again. We are fortunate to live in such a wonderful, caring, and giving community.

How has this pandemic refocused the work you do every day?

Nothing is like it was before. The pandemic has made me reevaluate how I teach and what is important in a curriculum. Through teacher collaboration, innovation, and creativity, our students have learned and flourished in many areas. The pandemic shifted how we engaged our students, but it didn’t stop it. I am an animated and lively teacher in-person and that’s the way I am online. My focus has always been on teaching the children.

What do you want to say directly to the community about the importance of your work? 

First, I would like to say thank you to the community for their support. I understand that many of you may have concerns or fears about the future. But I would like to tell you that we are doing our best and making it work. We are doing what we can to make sure that all our students are successful. Day in and day out, we are striving to keep the focus on student learning.