Dec. 21 COVID-19 update from Superintendent Brian Monahan

The district has confirmed the following positive COVID-19 cases today, Dec. 21. High School:  Two students  Middle School:  Three students Otisville Elementary: Four students, one BOCES student Contact tracing has been completed. Thank you for your attention to this important information. The health, safety, and well-being of our school community remains our top priority. Sincerely, …

Middle School students collect supplies for Castle Point Veterans Food Pantry and Orange County Veterans Service Agency

Thank you to Ashley Beairsto and Frank Pasquino’s middle school students, who  recently joined together to gather supplies for the holidays for area veterans. The collected non-perishable foods will be delivered to Castle Point Veterans Food Pantry, which serves Hudson Valley veterans and their families. The Orange County Veterans Service Agency will be the recipients …

High School’s National Honor Society makes Orange County Veterans Food Pantry food bags and holiday cards for overseas troops

Thank you to members of the high school’s National Honor Society, who recently designed and filled bags of food for the Orange County Veterans Food Pantry. “Doing this is a way we honor the many Orange County veterans who have proudly and honorable served our nation,” said NHS advisor Dolores Lombardo. To further show appreciation, …

Intermediate School’s Junior Great Books enrichment program combines reading and fun

Student enrichment programs support child cognitive and social development, introduce students to new activities and hobbies, and help further develop skills to help support their academic work and success while having fun. At Minisink Valley, a variety of extracurricular programs are offered in all buildings to support this, including the Intermediate School’s Junior Great Books …

Dec. 20 COVID-19 update from Superintendent Brian Monahan

The district has confirmed the following positive COVID-19 cases today, Dec. 20. High School: Two students Middle School:  One student Otisville Elementary: One student and BOCES staff member Intermediate School:  Two students Contact tracing has been completed. Thank you for your attention to this important information. The health, safety, and well-being of our school community …

Otisville PTO makes annual Pajama Day a memorable day for all!

Thank you to the Otisville PTO for making today’s Pajama Day a fun and memorable day for students and staff! “The Otisville PTO is such a critical member of our school community,” said Principal Vincent Biele. “They’re always there to support us in our work to provide the best possible education and social experiences in …

Elementary School kindergarten diversity/cultural awareness education includes holiday tradition lessons

The Minisink Valley Elementary kindergarten team’s recent lessons about different holiday season traditions reinforce the school’s commitment to  diversity/cultural awareness lessons as part of academic instruction. The young students visited different teacher classrooms to learn more about holiday traditions in Italy, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland and Mexico!  Plus, they learned more about New Year’s …

Dec. 17 COVID-19 update from Superintendent Brian Monahan

The district has confirmed the following positive COVID-19 cases today, Dec. 17. High School:  One student Otisville Elementary:  One student Contact tracing has been completed. Thank you for your attention to this important information. The health, safety, and well-being of our school community remains our top priority. Sincerely, Brian C. Monahan Superintendent

Dec. 17 message from Superintendent Brian Monahan about the Middle School

Dear Minisink Valley parent/guardians: Last evening, Dec. 16, at the conclusion of the boys modified basketball game at the Middle School, several members of our team were sitting in the middle school gym’s bleachers and found a bullet on one of the bleachers’ steps. The students appropriately gave it to the team’s coach, who appropriately …

Otisville third-graders’ holiday diversity/cultural awareness lessons reinforce appreciation and commonalities

Otisville Elementary third-graders are learning about diverse traditions this holiday season in a series of lessons focusing on different holiday practices in 13 countries, another way Minisink Valley faculty are blending diversity/cultural awareness lessons into academic instruction. The lessons, developed by teachers Linda LeMieux and Holly Pason, featured reading, watching a video, vocabulary awareness and …

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