2023-24 school budget development

school budget clip artInformation about the development of the 2023-24 school budget  

June 7: Budget Hearing presentation

June 7: Digital copy of 2023-24 revised budget newsletter

June 1: Public budget hearing for the revised, proposed 2023-24 school budget is Tuesday, June 6 at Minisink Valley Middle School’s auditorium at 6 p.m.

May 24: Presentation on the adopted proposed, revised school budget

May 24: Board of Education adopts 2023-24 proposed, revised $113,183,308 school budget; vote is Tuesday, June 20 

May 18: District to prepare a revised 2023-24 school budget

May 16: Voters reject $114,254,308 school budget and bus proposition for the 2023-24 school year

May 5: 2023-24 proposed school budget Q&As 

May 2: Digital copy of district’s 2023-24 school budget newsletter now available

May 1: Public budget hearing for proposed 2023-24 school budget is Thursday, May 4 at Minisink Valley Middle School’s auditorium at 6 p.m.

April 27: The 178-page 2023-24 proposed School Budget

If you’re unable to read this document, please call the Minisink Valley Business Office 845-355-5122 for assistance.  Thank you.

April 20: Board of Education adopts 2023-24 proposed $114,254,308 school budget and bus proposition; budget vote/Board of Education election is Tuesday, May 16

March 16: To view the presentation given by Assistant Superintendent Patrick Witherow at the March 16 Board of Education Finance Committee meeting on the proposed budgets for Transportation,  Debt Service,  Interfund Transfers, Payroll,  Employee Benefits, a summary of the proposed budget and the proposed Bus Proposition, visit: BoardDocs.

March 2: To view the presentation given by Assistant Superintendent Patrick Witherow at the March 2 Board of Education Finance Committee meeting on the proposed budgets for Human Resources, Operations and Maintenance, BOCES Instructional Program, Miscellaneous Instructional Codes, Pupil Personnel Services/Registrar, Audio Visual, Technology/District-wide and the proposed Bus Proposition, visit Board Docs.

Feb. 16: To view the presentation given by Assistant Superintendent Patrick Witherow at the Feb. 16 Board of Education Finance Committee meeting on the proposed budgets for Minisink Valley Elementary. Otisville Elementary, Minisink Valley Intermediate School,, Minisink Valley Middle School, Minisink Valley High School and Interscholastic Athletics, visit BoardDocs.

Feb. 2: To view the presentation given by Assistant Superintendent Patrick Witherow at the Feb. 2 Board of Education Finance Committee meeting on the proposed budgets for the Board of Education, Central Administration, Professional Development, Gifted and Talented, Finance, Legal/Records Management, Printing and Mailing, Data Processing, Insurance/Special Items and Personnel/Records Management, visit:  BoardDocs.

Feb. 6: 2023-24 school budget development information available for viewing

Feb. 2:  To view the timeline for the 2023-24 budget’s development, visit: BoardDocs.