Boys Varsity Wrestling team earns wild card entry to NYSPHSAA Wrestling Dual Meet State Championship

boys wrestling team

Good luck and best wishes to the Boys Varsity Wrestling Team, which has earned a wild card entry to this weekend’s NYSPHSAA Dual Meet Wrestling State Championships at the SRC Arena & Events Center at Onondaga Community College in Syracuse.

dual wrestling tournament logoThere are only three wild card entries for the  Dual Meet Wrestling Championships.  Minisink Valley was informed on Jan. 21 that the team received one of them.

A wild card entry works this way:

Each of the 11 sections hold their Dual Meet championships and the winners advance to the championship tournament.

But, three of the 11 runner-up Sectional teams (i.e. second place teams in each local championship tournament) are also considered for advancement to the state championships.

There is a point system used to determine the best of the 11 runners ups. Minisink Valley was one of the top three so the team qualified for the tournament.

“We were beyond thrilled with this news,” said Athletic Director Tim Bult. “Minisink Valley’s wrestling program continues to be a force to be reckoned with and this wild card spot further energizes our team and its determination to win. Wrestling achievements are earned through hard work and our team is focused and  prepared to leave everything on the mat.  We wish them much luck and success at states.”

To watch via the NFHS Streaming Network, click here for details: NFHS Network