Return of high school materials and yearbook/award/diploma pick up is July 21 and 22

Attention: Minisink Valley High School families:

On Wednesday, July 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursday, July 22 from 12 to 5 p.m.,  students will be able to drop off the following items:

School materials such as textbooks, cameras, library books, uniforms and/or other materials, including Chromebooks.  Only 2021 graduates should return Chromebooks; underclassmen will return them in September.

Please note: All items being returned need to be labeled with the student’s name and the teacher’s name so the student will be credited for the return.

Students will also be able to pick up the following items on those dates and times:

  • Yearbooks
  • Academic Awards
  • Athletic Awards
  • Diplomas

Please note: Students and/or their parents must have proof of identification to pick up any items. Without proof of identification, items cannot be released.

If you have any questions please contact the high school main office.